Osprey Archers
© Osprey Archers


We hold three open shoots a year and a couple of club only shoots


We hold a 36 target shoot in the spring using both woods and in the autumn we hold a 2X20 target shoot using the north wood which is more of a fun shoot as we try to set the targets in such a way as to try and result in some minus scores for hitting the wrong target. For 2024 the dates are;- 36 target May 12th 2X20 target October 6th. Entry forms 36 target 2X20 target


We hold our triple shoot in early summer this consists of 3 dozen arrows at 50 metres on a 122 face, then 12 3D targets in the woods and finishing with a single one way imperial clout. The date for 2024 is June 9th entry list will be occasionally updated as required. Entry form

Club indoor

Each year at the end of the indoor season we hold our indoor championships which is a Stafford round. The secondary aim of this shoot is to introduce all new members into the way a competition is run so that if they choose to go down this route they have some idea of what to expect.

Handicap shoot

We try to hold a handicap shoot at the end of the summer so that everyone has an equal chance of winning although it is usually the newest archers that do win!
National Field Archery Society
Osprey Archers
© Osprey Archers


We hold three open shoots a year and a couple of club only shoots


We hold a 36 target shoot in the spring using both woods and in the autumn we hold a 2X20 target shoot using the north wood which is more of a fun shoot as we try to set the targets in such a way as to try and result in some minus scores for hitting the wrong target. For 2024 the dates are;- 36 target May 12th 2X20 target October 6th. Entry forms 36 target 2X20 target


We hold our triple shoot in early summer this consists of 3 dozen arrows at 50 metres on a 122 face, then 12 3D targets in the woods and finishing with a single one way imperial clout. The date for 2024 is June 9th entry list will be occasionally updated as required. Entry form

Club indoor

Each year at the end of the indoor season we hold our indoor championships which is a Stafford round. The secondary aim of this shoot is to introduce all new members into the way a competition is run so that if they choose to go down this route they have some idea of what to expect.

Handicap shoot

We try to hold a handicap shoot at the end of the summer so that everyone has an equal chance of winning although it is usually the newest archers that do win!